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Contributing Members use code "MyMia" for 10% off!
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Member price $4.50
From Kehinde Wiley Shop: this small print features Kehinde Wiley’s 2009 painting Santos Dumont - The Father of Aviation II.
Santos-Dumont is part of a larger body of work by Wiley called “The World Stage.” Wiley met the two young men featured in this painting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The subjects chose to position themselves as the two “fallen heroes” in a well-known public monument dedicated to one of Brazil’s pioneer aviators, Alberto Santos-Dumont. By depicting these black men as the pioneers of Brazilian aviation, Wiley instills his anonymous subjects with a powerful and heroic identity, essentially immortalizing them in oil paint.
Materials: paper
Dimensions: 5 x 7"
Minneapolis Institute of Art
2400 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
Phone: 612.870.3100
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