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Acrylic Magnet: Still Life with Dahlias - Delacroix

Minneapolis Institute of Art


From the Minneapolis Institute of Art: This acrylic magnet celebrates French artist Eugène Delacroix and the piece, Still Life with Dahlias, Zinnias, Hollyhocks and Plums, c. 1835.

Today, Eugène Delacroix is often discussed as a painter of North African or Middle Eastern scenes, and of events drawn from the Bible or from ancient Greek and Roman history and mythology. Yet his floral still-life paintings, though few in number, were some of his most influential works. They were seen as being focused on what Delacroix and his modern admirers considered the “abstract” side of painting—color, composition, and dazzling execution.

Materials: Acrylic

Dimensions: 2.5" x 3.5"

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