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Contributing Members use code "MyMia" for 10% off!
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Member price $15.29
Look inside the museum to discover the wonderful exhibits and find the clever stories of visitors and folk who work there, too! With more than 50 flaps, explore the ancient worlds, dinosaurs, first humans, the middle ages, and our modern world. The museum experiences and artwork in this book in this book are inspired by real-life exhibits at some of the world's great museums, including: The Smithsonian Institute, South Africa's Origin Center, Museum of Natural History NYC, Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Texas, Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Vatican Museum, Louvre Museum, National Archaeological Museum in Athens, British Museum, Natural History Museum London, The National Dinosaur Museum in Canberra, Zingong Dinosaur Museum in China, Mongolian Dinosaur Museum, Chicago's Art Institute, and Science Museum in London.
Minneapolis Institute of Art
2400 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
Phone: 612.870.3100
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